Room 32

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…a large square room with a hole rudely broken through one wall. It must have taken a great deal of strength to pull the heavy stones out of position.

The symmetry was also disturbed by the apparent loss of one of the room’s statues. My visitors thought a thief had broken into the room, removed the figure, and made away with it. This, of course, was one explanation.

“Another one!” they cried.

“You mean another representative of the animal kingdom?” I asked.

“What is a bird like that doing here?”

“Roosting, evidently.” Their attitude was really beginning to irritate me. I have come to think of all the inhabitants of this House as members of my little kingdom. People can be so arrogant…in a very real way we are all of us animals, at least in part.

I wouldn’t answer any more of their questions so we left this room to enter…

  - Images and text copyright 1985 by Christopher Manson
used with permission. [Purchase MAZE from Amazon]


Room Type:  PATH     Doors:  6   11  16  28


● If you change the “sea” on the sign “Sea bag o.k.” to a “C” it is an anagram for “Go back” which is the correct move, back through door 28. [Independent Credit: David G | Owen Hammer]


58 thoughts on “Room 32

    • I’m going to go “out on a limb” and guess that you haven’t read anything on this site!

      You should read some of the comments below, they’re aMAZEing!

  1. “…in a very real way we are all of us animals, at least in part.”

    Reference to the Guide’s part-human, part-animal nature.

  2. Someone needed a lot of strength to pull those stones out. Perhaps it was the Guide, who probably isn’t human, creating a path to the Trap?

    • I think the Guide did it. Also, these stones were moved to Room 39 to block the only escape route from a certain room in the trap (probably Room 24).

  3. Lots of things in this room are unstable/hanging. (Wall, shield, missing support statue, extended limb) these could indicate that you are “out on a limb” and should turn back now, lest you fall.

    • Out on a limb… I like that! So you should go back in the direction of safety, which would be away from the edge of the twig/limb. Makes sense that you shouldn’t even venture into a room that’s missing a key structural support, as well.

    • I vote yea! Not to the unstable stuff, I dont know about that, but I like “out on a limb.”


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